Exercícios de Inglês com respostas

Exercícios de inglês para o Enem com respostas

Chegou a hora de você saber se está bem preparado para uma prova de Vestibular ou para a próxima etapa do Enem resolvendo os exercícios de inglês a seguir. São dez exercícios de inglês com respostas em um gabarito logo abaixo. Não deixe de fazer uma avaliação online do que você já estudou e veja se você está pronto mesmo para enfrentar uma prova. O Enem está perto, então aproveite para se avaliar e tirar suas dúvidas nos exercícios de inglês logo a seguir.


Exercícios de inglês:

1)Choose the correct question to each answer:
Jane and Peter are spending a lot of money.
a)Is Jane spending Peter’s money?
b)What are Jane and Peter buying?
c)Is Jane buying toys?
d)How much money are Jane and Peter spending?
e)Is Peter spending Jane’s money?


2)Assinale a alternativa que complete a frase corretamente:
While Jane was in England she _____ many postcards to her friends and relatives.
a)has written
d)is writing
e)have written


3)Choose the correct alternative.
Don`t be afraid of it, _________?
a)do you
b)don`t you
c)were you
d)will you
e)are you


4)He ________ for the national team in 65 matches so far.
a)has played
b)has been playing
d)is playing
e)had been playing


5)I was sitting at my desk when there was a loud crash as something came flying through the window. At first I thought it was a rock, but then a realized it was a cricket ball. I picked up the ball and put it on the desk beside ___________.


6)Leia o trecho a seguir e assinale a opção correta:

The systematic study of how people acquire a second language (often referred to as an L2) is a fairly recent phenomenon, belonging to the second half of the twentieth century. Its emergence at this time is perhaps no accident. This has been a time of the “global village” and the “World Wide Web”, when communication between people has expanded way beyond their local speech communities. As never before, people have had to learn a second language, not just as a pleasing pastime, but often as a means of obtaining an education or securing employment.
ELLIS, R. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 3.
a)Segundo Ellis, atualmente as pessoas têm demonstrado maior interesse em aprender uma segunda língua por ser uma forma útil de passar o tempo.
b)O autor afirma que a internet e a globalização exigem que pessoas que não sejam fluentes em uma segunda língua fiquem restritas às fronteiras de suas comunidades de fala.
c)Para o autor, aprender uma outra língua se faz relevante atualmente por necessidades diversas como, por exemplo, aprimorar seus conhecimentos e assegurar empregos.
d)Para Ellis, a preocupação com o modo como as pessoas adquirem uma segunda língua tem sido mais evidente a partir da segunda metade do século 19.


7)Book Report Options

1. Construct a diorama (three-dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animais) of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the scene.
2. Create a mini-comic book relating a chapter of the book.
3. Make a model of something in the story.
4. Write a different ending for your story.
5. Make several sketches of some of the scenes in the book and label them.
6. Make a time line of ali the events in the book.
7. Learn something about the environment in which the book takes place
8. Tell 5 things you leaned while reading the book

This activity improves:
a)speaking ability
b)listening ability
c)skimming ability
d)reading ability
e)scanning ability


8)Choose the letter in which the verb tense is NOT correct to the context.
Laura Buxton was celebrating her grandparent’s golden anniversary when she had an idea. She was deciding to release a gold and white helium-filled balloon with her name and address and a note attached. In the note, she asked the person who found the balloon to write her back.
a)was celebrating.
c)was deciding.


9)The 4G high-speed mobile internet will allow users to
a)broadcast any TV program they wish.
b)connect to the Internet without WI-FI hotspots.
c)play games live and make video calls.
d)speed up their broadband connection.
e)hand out Samsung dongles to plug into their tablets and laptop computers.


10)During the trial phase, the speed of the 4G network is estimated to be
a)around 150 megabits per second.
b)higher than 50 megabits per second.
c)between 1 and 1.5 megabits per second.
d)at least 25 megabits per second.
e)no higher than 20 megabits per second.


Gabarito dos exercícios de inglês:
1.d - 2.c - 3.d - 4.a - 5.e - 6.c - 7.d - 8.c - 9.c - 10.d


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